Level functionality, enemy waves, audio


A level has a main path now. In the last prototype, there was no path, just an infinite line. The tracks are now going along with the level main path.


Tracks are now following a main path of the level and can have a start and end point. This way, the combination of available tracks for the player to ride on can vary throughout the level. For example, the level starts with just a half pipe and later adds an over head line track and later drops both and instead has a big tube track. This gives me many new possibilities for level design

Enemy waves

The last prototype  was just spawning enemies randomly. Now, there's a real structure for editing enemy waves.  Every wave can be assigned to a track (or on random tracks), can determine, if how the enemies are moving and shooting.


I've added sounds and music . 


Working Title Prototype 2.zip 57 MB
Aug 01, 2022

Get Working Title, Prototype 2

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